Argentine workers occupy factories in face of unemployment

Por Marie Trigona – Press TV [Ver más…] [Ver más sobre The Silent Change, de Esteban Magnani]...
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Worker-Run Businesses Flourish in Argentina

Por Jaisal Noor – The Indypendent Argentina’s economy began recovering from the collapse in 2003. From 2003 to 2008, for “most recovered factories, the priority was growing economically, finding capital, or raising capital through work. Most of them have done pretty well, while ...
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The first book written about the Recovered factories is now available in English!

The Silent Change, by journalist Esteban Magnani, has been translated to English. This new edition features a foreword by Working World co-founder Brendan Martin that situates the movement in the context of the current financial crisis. [Leer más…]...
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The Silent Change

Recovered Businesses in Argentina

Esteban Magnani

In 2001, the consequences of almost three decades of neoliberalismo made Argentina collapse. Out of the ashes of the ensuing social convulsion arose many different attempts by people to take the future into their own hands. Among them were the workers who started to put bankrupt, aban...
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Cambios epocales y transformaciones en el sistema de educación superior

La universidad argentina y los nuevos desafíos

Alicia Iriarte (compiladora)

Las universidades soportan presiones que reclaman su adaptación a demandas que exigen resultados mensurables y comercializables, relegándose su función de productora y transmisora de conocimiento, de generadora de pensamiento crítico. Sin embargo, el rol de la universidad –que incluye...
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