Reseña de Huellas y recorridos de una utopía publicada en el Journal of Modern Italian Studies

Por Tullio Pagano y Hannah Rich (Dickinson College)

The objective of our book review is to bring to the readers’ attention a largely unexplored area of research that may offer new insights to scholars and students of modern Italian Studies, both in the United States and Italy. Although many scholars have examined in depth the representation of Italian emigration to the United States in literature, cinema and television, there is still much to be discovered concerning the Italian presence in the region of Rio de la Plata and the traces that it left in the collective imagination of both Argentina and Italy. Between 1871 and 1910 about 3.4 million individuals migrated to Argentina, 55 per cent of those being from Italy. Several notable historians have investigated the history of Italian migration to Argentina, including Samuel Baily, Emilio Franzina and Fernando J. Devoto, whose encyclopedic study still awaits an English translation. Fewer scholars, however, focused on the literary representations of Italians in Argentina. The most noteworthy literary scholar who studied this phenomenon is Vanni Blengino, whose significant collection of essays, titled La Babele nella ‘Pampa’. L’emigrante italiano nell’immaginario argentino, was published in 2005. Bravo Herrera’s volume is much broader in scope, thus representing an essential point of reference for anyone wishing to study Italian emigration in the region from the mid-XIX century to the present […].

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