ADIBF: Digital publishing in the Arab World

Por Lisa Dempster para Emerging Writers Festival – 30/3/2012

Yesterday I attended a digital publishing roundtable as part of ADIBF’s industry program. There was a diversity of opinion on the panel and many issues were touched on; today I’d like to publish just a few key points that arose:


Octavio Kulesz, Director of Teseo and digital publishing researcher, said that the Arab world (and many developing nations in general) is ripe for digital publishing as the print publishing zone is so fragile; ebooks have the opportunity to solve the problems of the print book market (i.e. overcome distribution issues). In spite of the fact that the Arab world is behind in digital publishing, he believes that it will soon leapfrog bounds ahead. Because depsite the difficulties, there are amazing opportunities in the Arab world, including a common language, a market made up of 340 million people, and a young generation eager for content in their language.

[Leer más en Emerging Writers Festival – en inglés]

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